One of the things we are often asked about Aquanaria sea bass is how they are fed. A very sensible question considering that they are fish that are eaten and the activity of raising fish (aquiculture) is relatively unknown and generates curiosity.
Moreover, like other animal production activities, there are sensitive aspects that generate conflicting opinions among producers and protectionist groups. This can mean that information comes into our power which is, either completely or partially incorrect and which, without further information we cannot analyse. Aquanaria’s aim is to provide knowledge and transparency about our activity.
Wild sea bass is an extraordinary fish, both in the sea (beautiful, cunning, fighting, predatory…) , and out for its gourmet value (flavoursome, firm, white flesh, versatile,….). Unfortunately, in recent years it has been excessively fished and its wild populations are in danger. In fact, there are already fishing restrictions imposed in some European countries. And this is not only happening with sea bass. Unfortunately, there are many fishing zones and species which are exploited at levels which are not biologically sustainable.
On the other hand, global demand for fish is on the rise, and aquiculture is the alternative in this context. But this does not mean that anything goes. At Aquanaria we believe that the growth in aquiculture must be undertaken correctly from an environmental perspective, tackling the challenges which arise in this activity responsibly.Approximately 66% of global aquiculture production uses fish-based feed. We must ensure that this feeding process is sustainable to avoid having the same issue as extractive fishing. This is one of the main challenges and the reason behind the search for alternative sources of protein, such as insects for example.
Sea bass is a very demanding fish and requires a diet high in protein. At Aquanaria we provide them with:
- Feed adapted to the size and age of the animal (a small fry and a 3 kilo fish are not the same thing).
- Feed with 40% protein as a minimum
- Feed based on fish, mainly anchovies, sardines and herrings, of little value for human consumption. Fisheries for this type of fish are highly regulated and controlled and, according to FAO data, 75% of them were at sustainable levels in 2005 (a figure that is now expected to be even better). However, at Aquanaria, we only work with suppliers that have this aspect audited and certified by MarinTrust, which is an international certification programme for marine ingredients, to ensure responsible sourcing and production. In this way we can be sure that our activity does not exhaust fishery resources nor have negative repercussions on the life of the people from the countries of origin.
- Feed with vegetable protein of high nutritional value such as legumes and also grains. By using this plant based ingredient, we reduce the pressure on marine resources.
- Vitamins and minerals
- Dry feed, very important from a sanitary point of view: the fish undergoes a physical process which involves sanitisation by high pressure and temperature. Through this we ensure that no parasites such as anisakis can reach our fish. This is essential for our anisakis-free certificate.
- Feed free from meat derivatives. There are some feeds which include protein sources such as flours and fats made from meat, but due to our company policy, to always aim for maximum quality, at Aquanaria we do not use them.
The feeding of sea bass is one of the activities to which we dedicate the greatest effort as it is very important not only for environmental reasons by also because it plays a key role in flavour, aroma and other organoleptic properties of the product on the table.
On the other hand, the correct management of feed is essential. In the same way that we defend and promote the integral use of sea bass in the kitchen as one of the best sustainability practices, our aim is to achieve the maximum use of the food we give them in the farms. It comes down to feeding the sea bass at the right time and with the right amount of food, with the aim of reducing waste. In this respect, a few months ago we made a significant investment in a state-of-the-art control system which allows us to supervise activity in the hatcheries at all times, including their feeding.Our commitment is to continue advancing and innovating to guarantee that we always use the best. Only in this way can we guarantee to provide the best product on the market.