It came, saw and won. Our Great Atlantic Sea bass arrived to Asturias and conquered a surprised public by its exceptional characteristics for the gourmet market. The idyllic environment of Valdesoto’s Palace (Siero) was the reporting framework of the sea bass Aquanaria in an event that began with an interesting presentation on the part of the persons in charge of the company.
Our sea basses raised in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, can come to 4,5 kg, something that surprised the professional public, especially dedicated to the branch of banquets and events. It was the first time that in Asturias is realized a degustation of this product. Aquanaria’s sea basses turned into the most awaited protagonist.
During the presentation, our business manager, Pedro Sánchez, spoke about our product and the way of working it. The visitors remained fascinated before the first product with free certification of anisakis. Our sea bass of the Atlantic Ocean presents a very firm texture and a flavor much more intense than that of the Mediterranean one. That is why it is ideal to consume raw „, Sanchez added. For his part, Gustavo Larrazábal, managing director of Aquanaria, defined the sea bass like “ One of the big fish of the sea, gastronomically speaking”.
Our hosting chef, the chef with Michelin Star Isaac Loya, prepared the sea bass in different ways to demonstrate the versatility of this fish, which admits multiple recipes.
In an interesting show cooking, Isaac Loya cooked several plates, examples of some of the many offers to which only puts limits the creativity between burners: sea bass tartar on yellow chili, to the ember in josper oven, to the champagne, usuzukuri of sea bass with ponzu and to the steam.
An unforgettable night. See you in our next stop!
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